Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

A New Season, and a New Book

Pete Mohr Season 5 Episode 1

Text Pete

Episode Description: Welcome to Season 5 of the Business Owner Breakthrough! In this exciting first episode, Pete Mohr introduces his latest book, The Business Owner Breakthrough, and revisits the cornerstone of his business philosophy—the Five P's: Promise, Product, Process, People, and Profit. If you're feeling overwhelmed and stuck in the daily grind of running your business, this episode will guide you on how to realign your business to support the life you want to live. Pete shares actionable insights and a sneak peek into his new book, which serves as a toolkit for transforming your business and reclaiming your time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Introduction to the Five P's: A refresher on the Five P's—Promise, Product, Process, People, and Profit—and how these principles are essential for business success.
  • Defining Your Promise: Learn how to articulate your business's core promise and why it’s crucial for aligning every aspect of your business.
  • Why the Book Matters: Discover the inspiration behind The Business Owner Breakthrough and how it can help you break free from the daily grind.
  • Launch Date Announcement: Don’t miss the launch of The Business Owner Breakthrough on September 10th, 2024!

Links and Resources:


  • “We got into business to support our lives, not to have our lives support our business.”
  • “When your promise is clear, everything else falls into place.”

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Pete Mohr:

Hey, it's Pete, and I'm so glad you're joining me here for the start of season five of the business owner breakthrough. And today is kind of a special day. I've been looking forward to sharing it with you, because we're kicking off something that's new and exciting. And over the past few years, I've been working on something that I think you're going to find incredibly valuable, which is my new little book. It's called the business owner breakthrough. Go figure. It's in alignment here with the podcast, and it's all around the five P's, which, if you're a long time listener, you understand the five P's, the promise, the product, the process, the people and the profit. And if you've been with me for a while now, you kind of know how central these principles are to building and sustaining a successful business. But in the book, of course, dive a little bit deeper down into that, and I know what it's like to be an overwhelmed operator of a business. I've been in business for 30 years now, continue to run retail stores, coaching business all this kind of stuff, and being stuck in the daily grind of your business is not fun, always and not exactly what we had sort of planned on through our life as an entrepreneur. So maybe you started the journey to gain more freedom, but somehow you've ended up with less time or more stress, or that nagging feeling that there's never enough of you to go around. If this sounds familiar, then I think the book might help, and so will this podcast, of course, that's why I wrote the book, to help you break through from that cycle, and in the business owner breakthrough, I take you step by step through the five P's, showing you how to align your business so that it supports the life you want to live, and not the other way around. We don't always want to be supporting our business. Sometimes the business really should be supporting our lives, right? That's why we got into business. So let's talk about the first P, which is, of course, the promise. Your promise is more than just what you sell. It's the core purpose of your business. It's really the transformation that you offer your customers, the way you make their lives better. And in the book I guide you through how to define your promise and ensure that every aspect of your business aligns with it. This is key, because when your promise is clear, everything else falls into place, your product, your process, your people, your profit, all that become more effective because they're driven by that central purpose, the promise. I want you to go through these thinking about all of them as it relates to your business. And if you're new here, they'll set you up perfectly for everything we're going to explore in the coming weeks. So let's get started. We're diving back into the five P's, and I'll be right here with you every step of the way. Mark your calendar. September 10 is the big day when the business owner breakthrough launches on Amazon. I'm excited for you to get your hands on it, because it's not just a book. It's really a toolkit for transforming your business and your life. In the meantime, if you're eager to dive in, keep listening, stay engaged and think on how these principles can make a difference in your business right now, thanks for spending the time with me today. I'm looking forward to this new season of the business owner, breakthrough with you now go and make it a great day. You.