Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

Law 2 - Define Your Guiding Principles

Pete Mohr Season 1 Episode 15

Text Pete

In this episode of the Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast, host Pete Mohr explains the importance of defining your guiding principles, including your vision, mission, and promise. By having these elements clearly defined, you will provide a roadmap for your team and other stakeholders in the business.

The next step is to communicate these principles effectively to your team through regular meetings and feedback sessions, which will foster a sense of ownership and commitment that will drive the business forward. To take action, encourage collaboration, innovation, and creative problem-solving, and celebrate the wins and milestones that your team creates, to create an environment where your team feels supported and empowered by you, the leader.

Here are a few things Pete covers:

  • Defining your guiding principles, including your vision, mission, and promise
  • Creating a roadmap for your team and other stakeholders in the business
  • Communicating your guiding principles effectively to your team
  • Fostering a sense of ownership and commitment
  • Encouraging collaboration, innovation, and creative problem-solving

It’s time to take action:

Communicate your guiding principles effectively to your team through regular meetings and feedback sessions. Encourage collaboration, innovation, and creative problem-solving, and celebrate the wins and milestones that your team creates to create an environment where your team feels supported and empowered by you, the leader.

Today’s Download:

Simply go to 10 Laws for Moving from Owner to Operator to get your free downloadable ebook for your copy.

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The Business Owner Breakthrough

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Welcome to the 10 laws for moving from operator to owner series here on the business owner breakthrough podcast I'm excited about this series we're going to explore the key principles for transitioning from operator to an owner mindset in your business. Each episode will focus on one of the 10 laws and provide practical tips and insights to help you apply these principles in your business. If you'd like a downloadable PDF for the 10 laws, slide on over to simplifying forward slash laws to download your copy. By following these 10 laws, you'll be able to move beyond the day to day operations of your business and focus on the long term growth and success. Whether you're a solopreneur or leading a team, this series will provide the tools and insights to transition from operator owner and take your business to the next level. So join me on this journey of growth and transformation. If you'd like to chat with me about how I can help you get started on this journey, simply go to speak to That's speak to and book in a chat to see if we're a great fit. Now let's get started. Many business owners struggle with aligning their team around a common goal resulting in efficiencies and stagnation. It's really a lack of clarity. And it usually revolves around the company's vision mission and their promise, and it can really lead to confusion and misalignment amongst the team members. And not only amongst the team members, but around all the other people in your business, your ideal clients, your outsourced suppliers, all the other members and people that are involved in delivering that promise. I mean, how important is law? Number two, defining your guiding principles? It is absolutely crucial. So what do you need to do you need to create your business blueprint. If you haven't already got it in order to create alignment, it's really, you know, defining the vision, mission and promise. And what is the difference between those three? Well, the vision is usually an outline of where you want your company to be. In the future, I say sort of that 10 to 25 Year Framework, your mission is usually more in depth, and a little more concise around timelines. I like to pick a mission of one to three years, which really outlines and I like Donald Miller's framework where he uses this language, we will accomplish x by y, because of Zed and your vision and your mission are internal documents that are you're going to use for your team and anybody that needs to know on the inside of your business and your promise, we talked about the promise a lot over over this podcast series, it really is outwardly facing, and it's what you're promising to your clients and how you're going to take them from their problem through your services to a better life. It's the commitment you make to your customers showcasing what they can expect when doing business with you. And by having these elements clearly defined, you will provide a roadmap for your team and all of the other people in the business that will help everyone really keep focused and motivated and understanding what it is that you're trying to get accomplished here. So the next step after you have these documents, and I love creating these documents with my clients, it's one of the big things that I do. The next step is to share those guiding principles and communicate them with everybody, right? You define the mission and your promise, it's vital to communicate them effectively to your team, hold the regular meetings that you probably aren't told they have to hold some meetings so that you can communicate some of these things through, discuss the principles, have everyone give examples of them so that they really are bought in and understand. When you have those guiding principles, you're going to hire and fire according to them. You're going to open the dialogue for feedback all around how you can better your business in order to achieve those goals, both internally for your business and externally with the promise for your customers. It really fosters a sense of ownership and commitment, which will drive the business forward. And when you can do that you're aligning your team. And how important is that if they don't have the clarity of where you want to go, and how they can help and the Empowered attitude that they can actually help their customers get to this better life. Because they fully know and understand what those guiding principles are. That's when things start to happen for you. That's when decisions get made at a lower level without you being involved. That's when you can move from owner to operator in your business. So encourage collaboration and innovation and creative problem solving. celebrate the wins and milestones that your team creates and has our round these guiding principles by creating an environment where your team feels supported and powered by you the leader. When you do this, you'll set the stage for success. stainable growth and success. Another thing to keep in mind is your guiding principles have probably changed. as our business grows. As you grow in your business as you want different things out of your business and out of your life, it may be time to relook at the mission, it may be time to relook at the vision, it may be time to relook at your promise. Talk to your key team members, talk to your clients about it. Remember, Law number one client focus, right? Talk to all the people that are involved in this so that you can really craft this hone it and bring it to the forefront. Because all of your marketing, all of everything that you do needs to be generated from your guiding principles. It is the guiding star for what it is that you're going to be doing over the next 135 10 years. If you haven't done it, it's time to start now. And you know what I'm always happy to help it's one of my very favourite things to do is to go through some guiding principles processes with my clients at simplifying entrepreneurship. By defining these guiding principles. You'll create the roadmap for success and a framework for your team to follow providing clarity and ensuring everyone is working towards the same goals. How important is that? Well, it is the future for you and your business. So define your guiding principles today. Now go and make it a great day. An ironic media production visit us at our ONICK