Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

4 Steps to Get New leads That Convert Fast with Darrell Evans

Pete Mohr Season 3 Episode 8

Text Pete

Darrell Evans joins me on this episode to talk about one of the most important things in business, getting new leads!

Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn from our discussion in this episode:

  • His C.O.R.E model for converting new leads
  • Understanding your ‘Triggering Events’
  • The importance of obtaining email addresses (yes, email isn’t dead)
  • You must continue the dialogue - not just end it after the first interaction!

You can reach out to Darrell at:

Darrell is also the host of The Mindshift Podcast


If you’d like to download the copy of the 1Page Want Clarifier mentioned in this episode, simply go to

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Darrell Evans:

And when I was able to get a prospect who opened a piece of mail of mine and contacted my office, this is in the 90s. I'm dating myself a little bit. Hey,

Pete Mohr:

man, we both have whitener beard. That's right.

Darrell Evans:

That's right. I mean, I hate to say it. But this framework really developed when I was doing stuff offline. And people the invitation was for them to get a free report to really take your audience back for anybody that's under 50. Under 45. We use fax machines. So you could dial into a fax machine and we would auto send this report back to your fax machine fact we were doing fax machine, the fax machine. I mean, this is is crazy stuff we had to do. That's what it was, right? Yeah. That's the framework, man. It's simple. And really, the methodology is really the psychology. The reality is the psychology of understanding your consumer. And that's where people miss it. And then not really knowing how to go into these platforms, and build the proper buckets for retargeting and remarketing. And that's where the nuance comes in.

Pete Mohr:

Hey, it's Pete, and welcome to another edition of the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast always here to help you cut through the chaos of running a business and transforming your frustrations in the freedoms. And today, I had the opportunity to speak with Darrell Evans. And Darrell runs an awesome marketing company with his partner. And today's discussion is all around the four steps to get new leads that convert fast and I mean, no matter what it is that you do, if you don't have leads coming in, if you don't have people knocking on your door, calling you there's a problem, your cash is going to dry up. And you know, I think we're going to get into some great stuff here today with Darryl around how to get some more new leads. And most importantly, have those leads convert for you. We're going to talk about his core model, see oh, sorry. dig into some of those things, understanding your triggering events of how to bring these people in the importance of obtaining email addresses. Yes, they still are ever important. And email is not dead. We'll dig into some of the reasons why you need to get email addresses so that you own that line of communication with your client base. Some great stuff here with Darryl, we'll get right to it. Hey, Darrell, it's a pleasure to have you here on the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast today,

Darrell Evans:

paid super excited to be here. Thanks for having me. Yeah, I

Pete Mohr:

mean, we've set this up a while ago and haven't got a chance to dig into the conversation. But I'm really looking forward today to chatting about some marketing and chatting about how we can build that side of our businesses. And a lot of my background is in marketing and stuff like that. I'm not running an agency. And I know you're running an agency, and you're doing all kinds of great stuff around that with your clients. We're going to dig into it a little bit today with your sort of topic of the four steps to get new leads that convert fast, so anxious to hear a little bit more,

Darrell Evans:

absolutely happy to share it and break it down for your listening audience as simple as we can.

Pete Mohr:

Well, it's all about simplicity, we were chatting a little bit about that I think we really are connected to the fact that we want to bring simplicity to the people that we work with. And you know, entrepreneurs are overwhelmed and overworked and all this stuff. So whatever we can do to give them an easier path and a framework and a system that's going to make sense of it all seems to be a good thing, right? Absolutely. All right, man. Well, why don't you dig in? What are the four steps to getting new leads that convert fast?

Darrell Evans:

Yeah, so I think the best way to start this conversation is to think about your prospect from the standpoint of what I like to call triggering events. When we're marketing online. When we market offline, it doesn't really matter where the channel is, because the channel is agnostic to this thought process. It's always about whether we can identify a triggering event in our ideal prospects life, that will get them moving in the direction to solve their problem. And I like to say that because it doesn't really matter what you sell, it doesn't matter if you sell a product or service or you're an expert, or your speaker or your coach, your purchaser will have some triggering event. So the job number one before we break down the framework really quickly, is to make sure that we spend some time for an hour or two and just jot down those triggering events. Where do you get them from? You get them from the questions that you've been asked you get them from those discovery calls that you've ran, you get them from the search queries on Google that you can do from keyword research tools all over the internet. The triggering events will lead you to what I like to call step one, in the framework that I call core, which the C stands for then creating an offer video or resource that can quickly solve Have a problem that your prospect has, without your help. And this is the distinction. Yeah, that's even distinction. Pete we want to sell stuff all the time, right? Yeah. And we feel like if we give them the solution without our help, then they will never need us. But Pete, you and I both know the vast majority of consumers are not do it yourselfers. Right? They are not do it yourselfers, my business partner and I we joke all the time, my business partner named stormy. And he goes and shops at Home Depot because he will renovate anything in his house. If it breaks in his house. He's gonna go fix it. I shop at Lowe's. So we joke, I'm a Lowe's guy, cuz I fix it because I'm gonna go right to the person and hire them and say Come with me.

Pete Mohr:

Yeah, the done for you model.

Darrell Evans:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah, the vast majority of people, the vast majority of high, high achievers understand the value of their time, they want to understand the solution to the problem, but then they want to get out of the way, right? They just want to get out of the way that the pros do it. That's right. Now, we don't have enough time to break down all the various ways. But your, your, your audience's savvy, right. But I think the key is, you've got to know what it is that will help them get a win, what is a quick win for them. And you should know what that is in your business. Step two. And this is what's really interesting, I audit, probably north of 200 websites still a year, and the vast majority in probably the 80 to 90% range. They may have said offer, they may have said invitation for free. And I never see it offered on the website can't find it. We'll get it to a meeting and they'll tell me Oh, yeah, Darrell, we created this resource or that resource. We have this video with that video, we have this webinar, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, I don't see a pop up. I don't see a slide in, I don't see a landing page. I don't see it on your social media. I don't see it in anywhere. And so step number two is you've got to find creative ways to offer it. And here's the reason why. Pete, you might hopefully agree with this. And that is that email still to this day, despite all of the popularity of Tik Tok and Instagram and Facebook and Google ads and all of the socials. Despite all of the popularity of those channels, and I'm a huge fan of them, we actually yet leverage those channels in this framework. The number one ROI driver to your digital marketing efforts is still your email address, you're still your email list,

Pete Mohr:

I couldn't agree more. I mean, the most important thing that we can do is to get an email from a client so that we have we own that connection base. And it's up to us to to own that and to make sure that we're delivering the what they want through it, right. Because all the other things social the Instagram and Facebook and Tik Tok and everything, those algorithms you don't own, but you still own the email, right? And kind of that perspective, you've got to deliver the quality of the communication through there. And that's when you get your conversion, right, Darrell

Darrell Evans:

100% 100%, you use the keyword own right, we don't own these platforms, it wasn't about four or five months ago that Facebook and Instagram went down. Now that's not going to happen every year, all of these platforms will have an inevitable outage. But the reality is you can't build your business on rented land on rented soil. And listen, I talked to enough business owners throughout a calendar year to know that they are frustrated every time something changes in the algorithm. And the reality is they are in business to make money. And if you don't pay to use the product, you are the product. Now what that means simply is this, if you don't pay a subscription fee to log into any of these platforms, then they are gathering data. You don't have to like it. I'm not almost I'm a consumer too. I don't I'm kind of 5050 I love the opportunity, but I hate the privacy issues. I'm with you if you're in the listening audience and you're irritated. I'm not pros up all day. Right? I'm just saying I hear you but we have to understand the process. So the point of the matter though, is we've got to build that email list which is step two, and listen, you've got to do a lot more work today to get an email from someone because nobody wants to be on another email newsletter.

Pete Mohr:

The other day I asked a client Do you know what you want and she said you know what, I really don't know what I want. So I created a one page document called the want clarifier and it takes you through the idea and into the activation so you can understand what it is you want fully flush it out and then set up a plan to activate it. If you'd like a copy of the one page want clarifier just go to simplifying forward slash want

Darrell Evans:

no one woke up today saying let me give somebody my email address and I see it because out of the hundreds and hundreds In hundreds of monthly weekly conversions that come through the channels that we have to manage, I can tell you with clarity that it's starting to head upwards to 30. And 40% of people will put in a bad email address just to get the free resource. Because of the way we have not honored their attention after we've gotten the email address. So the days are gone when you just get an email address and put them through this hard pitch, five part email sales sequence. You burn them out, and then they will just so I'm seeing this everyday Pete where yeah, the number of bounced emails in our clients accounts we use, were a HubSpot agency. So we use HubSpot. And we can track this stuff very easily. And HubSpot is extremely forward about how to help us monitor those things. But the number one thing is you've got to have engagement, which actually paid leads me to step three. And that is everybody won't take your offer, right, you should be looking for one to 2% conversion rate on your website to take those offers. But that leaves 98% of people who are not going to take it. And so now the key is now we go back to the platforms that we know that through their mobile phones and through their desktops, believe it or not, there's all this hype that no one uses a desktop computer anymore. That's just not true. I see enough analytics, I can tell you that 75 80% of most of our clients websites are still getting traffic from desktop. So but but the point being is now we go back to the platform and we say okay, we now know if we've done what I call the digital technology set up properly, right? If we've done the right work on our website, meaning we can now see who's touched our website in some way, shape or form, we can now go back and start putting people in buckets. What I like to call I call them digital buckets, people we may not know their name, we may not know where they're from, we may not know their age, but we just simply start putting people in buckets. And for the sake of this, you can do it on all the platforms, Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, all of them. And we recommend you should set up these buckets all of them because you're you don't you don't know where your customer is all the time. But we then will take and step three is we now use what very simple dollar per day strategy. You know, Pete in your market and your coaching, you may hear some of this, I know I hear it in my world. And that is everyone seems to still believe that know, like and trust factor matters. But yet, the person visited the website looked at one or two pages and left, you made a if you did step two, you made an attempt to get an email address to start building a relationship. But then you just forget about them. And the rest of their day, the rest of their day is going to be on Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, etc. And yet, we won't show up there to continue the dialogue. And it's just complete 180 of what we would do in a networking environment, which Yeah, right. If we go to a networking event, we will talk to the person until Yeah, right. So we go in step three, and we go and we look at how do we set a very small, inexpensive any business owner can afford top of mind awareness campaigns, using these audience buckets, with Facebook and Instagram, and what are we doing, we're not pitching them to buy something, we're not pitching them to come back and even get our thing. We are just literally trying to share our high level of expertise, because they ventured to our website to try to solve a problem or they had a question on our mind. And so we structure these together. And finally, Pete step four is, of course, where we talked about earlier, which is email nurturing, not to hard sell, but to actually to build a relationship. Right. So killer friend,

Pete Mohr:

that's it, you know, it's and when they're ready to raise their hand, you're there for them, right?

Darrell Evans:

That's the idea. And I learned this framework before the internet started. And so I started my world in direct mail. And when I was able to get a prospect who opened a piece of mail of mine and contacted my office, this is in the 90s I'm dating myself

Pete Mohr:

a little bit. Hey, man, we both have whitener beard. That's right. That's right. I

Darrell Evans:

mean, I hate to say it, but this framework really developed when I was doing stuff offline in people the invitation was for them to get a free report to really take your audience back for anybody that's under 50. Under 45. We use fax machines so you could dial into a fax machine and we would auto send this report back to your fax machine fact we were doing fax machine, the fax machine. I mean, this is crazy stuff. We had to do. That's what it was right. Yeah. So that's the framework man. It's It's It's simple. And really, the methodology is really the psychology. Right? The steps aren't different. It's not magical. You know, these steps, they're taught all over the internet. The reality is the psychology of understanding your consumer and that's where people miss it. And then not really knowing how to go into these platforms and build the proper buckets for retargeting and remarketing and that's where the nuance comes in.

Pete Mohr:

Yeah, you know I have a framework and a written some stuff on it. What have you. It's called the entrepreneurial IPA. And it goes like this I is for Ida P is from postulate, and A is for activate. And you know, we can ideate about all this stuff we can postulate and think about it. Like we were talking before we hopped on reading books and doing all this, you don't need six books you need to actually activate. Right? And I think four steps are great steps, like you said, they aren't new steps. It's just things that people think about. But what are you doing? And I'm asking you the listener, what are you doing to activate some of these things today? And what are you doing to put in place so that you can have an even better campaign and attract even better clients? And I think that's what we're trying to do here with the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast, Errol is to give people some action steps that are going to make a difference for them. You know, that's right.

Darrell Evans:

Absolutely. Yeah. There's there's enough overwhelm, there's enough distraction. The reality is, we live in an amazing time technologically. On Earth. I mean, literally, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. And but but but you also can get too carried away thinking we're gonna miss something if we don't do everything. And I'm a very big believer in what your your topic is here in terms of simplifying. And listen, I think simplifying for me was very interesting, because I didn't come from a venture funded background. I was a bootstrapped entrepreneur since my early 20s. You you kind of resonate, right? Yeah, I don't, I don't, I didn't have hundreds of millions of dollars coming into my enterprise. So I had to be resourceful. And but at the same point to what you said earlier with your IPA formula, I took action, and we say, let's do the minimal viable thing. But let's iterate after we get some result. But we can't make judgment until we get result.

Pete Mohr:

I agree so much good or bad, by the way.

Darrell Evans:

I agree. I was just gonna say one. One thing, I was gonna say failure is nothing more than data. Data is nothing more than a result. And if we can just eliminate, but we have to get into action back to your IPA formula. But let's get an action. Let's get some data. And let's iterate. And we'll get to the to the life that we want, which is the freedom from simplifying our business

Pete Mohr:

models. Yeah, I agree. I loved our conversation here today, Darryl, and thanks for having me. Absolutely. If anybody would like to get out and get in touch with you and what you do, why don't you give them a little heads up on how they can find you.

Darrell Evans:

So I appreciate that. I have a podcast called the mind shift podcast and you're listening here to Pete on his show. If you're, you've got room for one more show, I'd love for you pop over to the mind shift, podcast, calm wherever you're listening to this show. If you want to venture off the podcast platforms, I'm goofing around on Instagram. My handle is at Mr. Darrell Evans. and my website is Darrell Evans. dotnet.

Pete Mohr:

Awesome. And I'm gonna include all those in the show notes and everything too for anybody. If they if you didn't get a chance to get your pen out and write all that stuff down. It'll be there in the show notes. Appreciate it. Well, thanks again, Darrell. It's been a pleasure. Let's try to hook up again in the near future.

Darrell Evans:

Absolutely. Pay, keep doing great work. I love what you're doing.

Pete Mohr:

Well, I hope you've enjoyed my chat with Darryl here today, think about how you can apply some of the things that we were talking about within your business. As always, what can you put into action, it's one thing to talk about all of these things, think about all of these things. But try to make something actionable today, as soon as you get off this particular podcast, after all, you lead your business, and it shouldn't be leaving you and it's these are the things that are going to help you have a better business, right, more clients, that our business always remember, clarity creates confidence and confidence ignites momentum. So just to recap a little bit around some of the things that we talked about today to get those ideas again, thinking about what you can activate on, what are your triggering events of how things outline? Are you actually obtaining email addresses? What are you going to put in process in order to obtain even more? And how are you using those email addresses to communicate clearly, with your clients, you must continue the dialogue because when they're ready to raise their hand for your service, you want them thinking about you and not your competition. So lots of great stuff there to think about today. So if you liked the podcast, please share it with your friends, and subscribe to our simplifying entrepreneurship YouTube channel as well. I'd love your feedback in the comment section of YouTube and I'll personally respond to each one of them interested to hear about future topics that you'd like me to cover or even future guests you'd like to hear from as well. You can help me up by subscribing to the podcast on Spotify or Apple and rating and reviewing this episode on Apple and now on Spotify as well by leaving up to a five star review. You can connect with me on LinkedIn, Instagram or Facebook. The links are below in the show notes but just search Pete Mohr mo HR. And lastly, you can check out my website at more dot coach that's mo Ach, easiest way to get there and until next time, make it a great


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