Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

Banish These Three Words

August 22, 2023 Pete Mohr Season 4 Episode 33
Banish These Three Words
Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast
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Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast
Banish These Three Words
Aug 22, 2023 Season 4 Episode 33
Pete Mohr

Text Pete

Imagine a world where "Should've," "Could've," and "Would've" are replaced with action. These small words, with massive impact, shape your entrepreneurial journey. In today's episode, host Pete Mohr helps you identify moments when these words held you back and how they can lead to new pathways. Banishing these words is not just a linguistic change, it's a mindset shift that fuels business success.

Here are a few things Pete covers:

-The heavy implications of "Should've" in business decisions
-How "Could've" represents both opportunities seized and bullets dodged
-Transforming "Would've" into learning experiences
-The importance of Mental Health, Positivity, and Focus in entrepreneurship
-Embracing Accountability, Action, and Transformation to align with your vision

It’s time to take action:

Reach out to Pete if this resonates with you and embark on an exciting journey of entrepreneurship. Let's elevate you from the details to the dashboard. Book an appointment at

Are you looking to make some changes in your business and your life in 2024?  Head over to and book a chat with me to see if we're the right fit!

Maximize Your Business’s Value with the Value Builder Assessment!

As a business owner, do you know what your company is truly worth? The Value Builder Assessment is a powerful tool that helps you uncover the key factors influencing your business’s value. Whether you're considering a sale, planning for the future, or simply want to grow, this assessment offers actionable insights to increase your business’s worth and appeal to potential buyers.

Don’t leave your business’s future to chance. Click here to take the Value Builder Assessment and start building a more valuable, resilient business today!

Book a no charge Freedom Call with Pete, to see if you’re a good fit for his business coaching or talk to Pete about speaking at your next event head over to to find a time that works for you!

To connect with Pete:

Instagram at
LinkedIn at

Show Notes Transcript

Text Pete

Imagine a world where "Should've," "Could've," and "Would've" are replaced with action. These small words, with massive impact, shape your entrepreneurial journey. In today's episode, host Pete Mohr helps you identify moments when these words held you back and how they can lead to new pathways. Banishing these words is not just a linguistic change, it's a mindset shift that fuels business success.

Here are a few things Pete covers:

-The heavy implications of "Should've" in business decisions
-How "Could've" represents both opportunities seized and bullets dodged
-Transforming "Would've" into learning experiences
-The importance of Mental Health, Positivity, and Focus in entrepreneurship
-Embracing Accountability, Action, and Transformation to align with your vision

It’s time to take action:

Reach out to Pete if this resonates with you and embark on an exciting journey of entrepreneurship. Let's elevate you from the details to the dashboard. Book an appointment at

Are you looking to make some changes in your business and your life in 2024?  Head over to and book a chat with me to see if we're the right fit!

Maximize Your Business’s Value with the Value Builder Assessment!

As a business owner, do you know what your company is truly worth? The Value Builder Assessment is a powerful tool that helps you uncover the key factors influencing your business’s value. Whether you're considering a sale, planning for the future, or simply want to grow, this assessment offers actionable insights to increase your business’s worth and appeal to potential buyers.

Don’t leave your business’s future to chance. Click here to take the Value Builder Assessment and start building a more valuable, resilient business today!

Book a no charge Freedom Call with Pete, to see if you’re a good fit for his business coaching or talk to Pete about speaking at your next event head over to to find a time that works for you!

To connect with Pete:

Instagram at
LinkedIn at

Pete Mohr:

Are you ready to move from operator to owner? Well, decisions in your organization should be made at the lowest possible level of your business. Every day, there is a framework that can help and it's called the five P's. Understanding your promise, aligning your product process and people to it will generate the most amount of profit. And that's when the freedom comes. Freedom from the day to day management and freedom to start doing the things that you want, and deserve to do, inside and outside of your business. No one ever said it was easy, but it's time to start the process on the business owner breakthrough. If you'd like to chat with me about helping you breakthrough in your business, simply go to speak to that speak to, to book an appointment and to see if we're a right fit. It's time to banish three words from your vocabulary as a business owner and they are should have could have and would have. These might be small words, but their impact? Well, quite honestly, it's massive. And as we move through today's discussion, think about how often you've used them in your entrepreneurial journey. Now when we say should have what are we really expressing this word, it's pretty heavy one every entrepreneur, every leader has a list of their setups, whether it's a decision delayed, or an opportunity passed up. These moments shape our journey as leaders. Imagine a world where every should have was replaced with I did. It's a powerful shift. But why does should have way so deeply honest, it's because it often represents a moment where we compromised our values or maybe our vision. I remember a time when my business was demanding all of my hours, the allure of success, the drive to achieve more, it often clouded my judgment. Yeah, I gotta admit it. The result moments with family last may be personal health ignored, passions overlooked. When we say I should have taken more time for my family. It's not just about the missed occasions, it's about recognizing that in pursuit of our success, we sometimes forget the very reasons we began the journey of business ownership in the first place, right? Your freedoms. Balance isn't a luxury, it's a necessity. So remember, life doesn't pause. Children grow up, moments fade, and the world changes. So whatever your freedoms you're looking for, don't give them up just for the pursuit of this should have would have earned kudos, ensure your should have their lessons and not regrets, right. You did them in the past, you realize them now, what are you going to do in the future right? Ever wonder why should have tend to haunt us, they resonate because they echo unfulfilled potential potential in our personal lives, maybe our businesses, maybe our relationships with others, every should have is a reminder that we strayed from really our optimal path. Blend personal life with business is about trade offs. It's about integration. And when we look back and say I should have been there for my family, or my child's recital, or I should have been there and celebrated the anniversary, whatever it may be, what we're really yearning for is a world where our business thrives and our personal moments aren't compromised, and should have could be business decisions. I'm just using the personal side of things on the relationship side, but you can take it in any angle, just remember, every should have is a pointer to what truly matters to you. This hindsight leaves you with a better way of tackling these issues in the future. moving now into the code of it's a tantalizing word, isn't it? Every time we say it, we're touching on a realm of endless possibilities. I could have done this I could have done that. Entrepreneurship is a journey of choices, as you know. And in every turn, there are new roads, new opportunities, some lead to success well and others lead to lessons and I've had my share of both the echoes of I could have opened three more locations of Zootopia resonated with me when I was putting this together, you know, expansion promises growth, more revenue, but there's a flipside. Can I enjoy the life that I currently have if I had three more stores, my freedoms of time relationship and focus on other areas of my life and even the chance to do this podcast or maybe do some coaching which I truly love to do. Here's the revelation, you know, not every could have is a missed shot. Some are dodged bullets. As business owners, it's essential to differentiate between an opportunity we're seizing, and one worth passing in the vast expanse of entrepreneurship could have represents the road not taken. Some of these paths might lead to instant success while others really invaluable lessons, but every could have carries a story. So go back and think about things used that I could have done and all of this and think about, it's good to journal on these different things, you know, so that you have the understandings and learnings to move ahead. Next time you come into these different situations, it's not just about jumping in on every opportunity. It's about measuring it against its value against your vision against what you want out of your life. Because as the business owner, your business should prop up the life that you want, right? When we express something like I could have expanded, it's essential also to ask, but at what cost, just remember, but at what cost, every growth phase, every expansion should resonate with your core values should resonate with your personal why the final stop is wood of this is the domain of the conditional, the land of the only send the if only is often we link our success to time. And I could say if I would have started earlier, I'd be in a better place. Now, we feel time is either our ally or our enemy. But here's the twist. Time is neutral. Our relationship with it defines its role. Success isn't just about starting early or late. It's about resilience, adaptability, and persistence. Remember, the 10 laws that we did all of those theories on a little bit earlier, it's about recognizing that every moment is an opportunity, no matter when you start, we often get shackled by our own timeliness would have signifies self imposed deadlines. But success doesn't always follow a linear path, right? Sometimes detours lead to even better destinations, every would have should be transformed into a learning experience. I would have been further along if I started earlier. But starting now with the wisdom of the past, can lead to even richer successes. So why does banishing these three words matter to you into your life into your family into your business? You might be thinking Pete, why does dropping these three words matters so much? Well, here's the thing. It's around mental health and positivity. Word shape our mindset when you're anchored by words that keep you gazing backwards, it's so tough to steer forward, focus on your energy, think of the tasks and actions that invigorate you that push you into your love zone. That's where you want your mind to be. And if you want to dig more into this idea, just go back and listen to the episode entitled six words that will change your life with my friend, Dane Sanders, those six words are up until now. And from now on right up until now, from now on, we can only change the future. We can't change the past, but we can learn from the past. Business at its core is about vision. It's about where you're headed, not where you've been. And when we're entangled in what we should have or could have done, it clouds that vision. So banish the fog embrace a future of clarity and endless possibilities. They're yours to create because you're the business owner. Accountability and action is a big one. And by letting go of the should have and would have and kudos, you're not just ditching the linguistic habits of those three words, you're embracing a culture of ownership and action, right? Understand the transformation, you promise to your clients recognize the unique journey that you're guiding them through. And by doing this, you shape a business landscape that's active, aware and ready for challenge you've been through this should have would have could have now take them and do something with them. Just remember you made the best choice at the time with the information that you had. But now that you have a different lens on the past situation, you have more experience understanding and knowledge on it. It's going to help you shape your future decisions for you to better move ahead and for your business to better move ahead businesses a journey. It's filled with peaks and valleys and like I said earlier, I've had my share of them. But with the right mindset, those valleys can be transformed into launching pads for success, both for you and for your business and by removing the should have would have encoded lives. From your vocabulary. You're not just changing words, you're changing the culture and perspectives of the business. If any of this resonates with you, or if you feel the need for a guide along your journey as a business owner, I'm always here to help. Let's work on aligning your goals and visions and aspirations and elevate you from being caught in the details from the backward focus to the forward focus. Reach out and let's connect book and appoint with me at www dot speak to That's speak to just as it sounds. Together, we'll craft a business journey that's clear, proactive and full of promise. Success is not just about what you achieve, but how you achieve it. Now go and make it a great day. In

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